Why Choose Mulligan Solicitors

Our Aim

Our aim is to help couples, families and children to get better outcomes following the breakdown of a relationship and to assist in ensuring that children who are in the care of the state, get the care and support they are entitled to and achieve the best possible outcomes.

In other words, our aim is to help you to get the best possible outcome following the ending of your relationship, we also always try to ensure that your children are properly cared for and provided for an have their needs met during the time we are involved in representing you and afterwards.

Family Law

Doírín Mulligan took the step of setting up her own firm, with the goal of providing specific, appropriate, and practical advice to her clients within a timeframe, which meets any situational needs.

We believe in offering an approach to your case which is specifically suited to you, whether this involves negotiating a settlement, utilising mediation or collaborative practice or engaging in the Court process when necessary.

We understand the pressures of time and money and how they can impact your needs. Our ethos is in providing an efficient and cost-effective service, while at the same time ensuring that you receive excellent legal advice. We are available to meet with you at times and locations, which are convenient to you.
We are happy to speak to you on the telephone or to arrange a consultation if you have any queries in relation to the Children and Family Relationships Act.

Child Care Law

Doírín has significant experience in the area of Child Care law and has represented Guardians ad Litem.
in numerous childcare cases.

It is our belief that the voice of the child should be heard in every case involving a child and that the child’s needs should be the primary concern of all parties involved in these cases. We maintain excellent working relationships with colleagues who work in this area and believe in taking a collaborative approach to cases. We have vast experience and success in assisting my clients to achieve outcomes for children, which may not otherwise have been achieved.

We are able to facilitate your needs and will meet with you at times and locations, which are convenient to you and are always available on the phone to assist with matters as they arise. Call us on 01 637 3946 or email info@mulligansolicitors.ie and we will be happy to assist.

Talk to us

Phone 01 637 3946 or email if you require legal advice in relation to the breakdown of a relationship or on any matter relating to the rights or welfare of a child.